COntact Probation

Medina Municipal Court’s Probation Department Mission Statement

We are a distinctive team of professionals committed to supporting and serving offenders, the court and our growing community. We provide effective service to meet the needs of those we serve and to achieve the goal of offender rehabilitation. We serve the community and the justice system in a compassionate and responsible manner.

General Functions of the Probation Department

Defendants in criminal and traffic cases who are found guilty of misdemeanors of the Fourth Degree up to the First Degree (M-4 through M-1) are usually referred to the Probation Department for a pre-sentence interview and report. These will be done prior to a sentencing hearing being scheduled. Pre-sentence interviews are routinely scheduled for a separate appointment one to three weeks following the date of the plea or trial.

As a general rule, the probation department does not schedule individual interviews for defendants convicted of first and second DUI offenses. Defendants with these convictions are directed to supply written information to the probation department in advance of their sentencing hearings, which are scheduled for a later date. The written information provided by defendants is used to compile an abbreviated version of the Pre-sentence Report for the judge’s benefit prior to imposition of sentence.

NOTE: In addition to providing background information to the probation department, first-offense DUI defendants are directed to attend a 72-hour Driver Intervention Program in Medina County prior to their sentencing hearings.


The department provides monitoring of probationers at various levels ranging from non-reporting to intensive supervision. Levels are assigned at the time of sentencing, but can be adjusted as warranted throughout the probation period. The Supervision Division monitors offender compliance with court-ordered counseling, treatment, community service, drug testing and the like. Supervising probation officers direct probationers to various agencies for these purposes. Officers also track further criminal activity of offenders and initiate show-cause or probation violation proceedings as warranted. In some instances, bench warrants for probation violations are issued by the judge at the request of a probation officer.


Matt EsterleChief Probation Officer
Gene MerinarDeputy Chief Probation Officer – Pre-sentence Reports
Angela KissProbation Officer – General Supervision, Specialized Docket
Amy DarrProbation Officer – General Supervision, Grant Program Director
Melanie StroupProbation Officer – General Supervision, Community Service, Sealing of Records

Noelle Hayes

Kevin Ross

Probation Officer – Pre-sentence Reports, Intensive Supervision, Sealing of Records

General Supervision, Community Service Coordinator 

Mercedes Giaimo

Department Secretary – Administrative Assistant


The probation offices are located in the lower level of the Municipal Court building. Questions regarding probation procedures may be directed to Chief Probation Officer Matt Esterle.


Probation, pro-ba’-shon, n. act of proving; proof, trial; period of trial novitiate.

–Webster’s Expanded Dictionary 1989

The rehabilitative community-based sanction of probation seeks to restore an offender to “good standing” within the society that he has wronged by his illegal acts. In this sense, it is the most hopeful of sanctions. Individual offenders must prove to be capable of correcting their behavior so as to continue a productive, responsible life in the community. Terms of probation imposed by the Court are the required, minimum standards by which the “proof” is measured. Probation officers monitor and facilitate compliance with the Court’s orders (i.e. conditions).

Probation conditions come in two forms. Standard conditions are generally applicable to all persons placed on probation and are mandated by the State statute and/or individual court policy. Standard conditions include requirements of reporting as directed, having no new offenses, and notifying the court of changes in residence or employment. Specialized conditions are imposed with careful consideration of the instant offense, criminal/traffic history and (in most instances) the social history of the individual. Specialized conditions may include required participation in treatment programs, or an order to pay restitution to a victim.

If, over a period of time, an individual refrains from criminal behavior, meaningfully participates in treatment/educational programs, and addresses all other orders of the court in a responsible and conscientious manner — he or she is considered to have successfully completed probation. Society and the individual each benefit from this restorative process. Those who violate probation are considered for more involved sanctions such as incarceration, which includes elements of incapacitation and punishment. These measures are taken for the protection of the community so that it may not suffer, at least for a time, from the negative consequences of any continuing antisocial and criminal behavior displayed by its own members.